Archived: CISO Public Sector Online A/NZ

Benefit from: A full content-focused day on cyber security with shared insights and best practices. Understand the way your cyber security can evolve for today and tomorrow. Gain best practice insights from other experts and learn how they successfully implement cybersecurity strategies to strengthen business processes. Learn how to build the right environment for faster, cheaper, easier cyber security solutions. Ensure consistent, transparent, safe access and usage across the organisation. Key themes: Human errors and their prevention - Refining processes to reduce inside threats risks and human errors. Upgrading outdated infrastructure - Exploring best practices to transform public services while addressing vulnerabilities of information systems. The evolving customer demand for essential services - Understanding the expectations of post-pandemic customers. Securing complex network infrastructures of the public sector - Prepare security plans, processes, and governance by considering new and existing risks and threats. How to Implement sound strategies to safeguard vulnerabilities. Time: 9:00 am - 2:15 pm








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