Managed Services

AArete Joins Snowflake Partner Network


Global consulting firm AArete has joined the Snowflake Partner Network, a move expected to enhance digital transformation capabilities for clients, according to a recent AArete press release. 

This collaboration aims to leverage the Snowflake Data Cloud's attributes for the benefit of joint customers, the company said.

About Snowflake

The Snowflake Partner Network is a comprehensive ecosystem of business collaborators and technology integrators that work with Snowflake, a cloud-based data warehousing platform. Snowflake itself is designed to provide a highly flexible, scalable, and efficient solution for data storage, processing, and analytics. 

The platform supports a wide range of data workloads, including data warehousing, data lakes, and data engineering, and enables businesses to gain deeper insights from their data. 

The Snowflake Partner Network enhances this capability by bringing together a variety of partners, including service providers, technology integrators, and business consultants, to extend the platform’s reach and provide integrated solutions to a broad range of customers. 

AArete's Expertise in Financial and Healthcare Sectors

John Carey, managing director of AArete’s Digital & Technology Solutions group, commented:

"AArete has deep expertise in the financial services and healthcare sectors, so we’re uniquely positioned to help clients realize the full potential of their Snowflake data. Whether you’re just getting started with Snowflake or are a mature user, we’ve built a large, dedicated Snowflake practice to empower your organization, monetize your data, and seamlessly transform the way data works for you."

The firm's services in the financial sector will focus on improving banking customer experiences, centralizing market data systems, and enhancing operations for future challenges, including high-speed payment processing, the company said. AArete’s key offerings include payment processing, credit risk decisioning, and real-time data solutions.

In healthcare, AArete says it aims to tackle data challenges such as member analytics, provider data management, and payment integrity. Their approach involves utilizing Snowflake solutions to improve claims payment data analysis and enhance member experiences, while also aiming to reduce IT expenditures, as per their announcement.

Cybersecurity and Customer Experience Benefits Highlighted

The partnership is also expected to offer cybersecurity advantages, particularly in detecting fraudulent transactions more quickly. This aspect is anticipated to enhance customer protection and minimize financial risks for both financial and healthcare organizations, AArete said.

AArete's data-driven strategies in both sectors involve leveraging market intelligence for comprehensive client solution design and implementation.

According to AArete, the Snowflake Partner Network facilitates diverse tools and partners to maximize the potential of the Data Cloud. This partnership is designed to enable customers to utilize Snowflake’s unique features for enhanced data insights.