Managed Services

ConnectWise to Integrate with SentinelOne EDR


ConnectWise is giving its technology service provider (TSP) and MSP customers more choices when it comes to MDR (managed detection and response). The PSA/RMM MSP platform company has announced that ConnectWise MDR (managed detection and response) now seamlessly integrates with  SentinelOne EDR (endpoint detection and response), giving TSPs the choice to use Bitdefender’s EDR, Microsoft Defender for Business, SentinelOne EDR, or ConnectWise.

In addition, ConnectWise MDR customers can now leverage and combine leading EDR solutions with the ConnectWise SOC Services (Security Operations Center) to enable more comprehensive threat research, detection, and remediation, according to a statement from the company.

ConnectWise Touts its MDR and SOC

ConnectWise said that its MDR provides TSPs with more flexibility to select EDR solutions, and when layering endpoint protection with the ConnectWise SOC Services, relieves service providers from the burden of running their own SOC and providing round-the-clock monitoring and protection.

The ConnectWise SOC Service is comprised of a staff of cybersecurity experts who monitor and respond to service provider client threats 24/7. It also includes the Cyber Research Unit (CRU) that creates proprietary threat research and intelligence, according to the statement. 

ConnectWise Executive Vice President and General Manager Raffael Marty said in a statement that the company is committed to providing MSPs with options and meeting them where they are in their cybersecurity journey.

“Our MDR offerings are designed to cater to the diverse needs of TSPs so they can confidently leverage our comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to protect their clients," he said. "Laying in ConnectWise SOC Services, TSPs can now have peace of mind knowing that their clients are continuously monitored for cyber threats without the need for additional resources. ConnectWise remains steadfast in our commitment to delivering innovative solutions and services that empower TSPs to provide exceptional value and security to their clients. We look forward to sharing more about our cybersecurity innovations at IT Nation Connect.”

ConnectWise MDR demonstrations will be available at IT Nation Connect, being held November 8 -10, 2023.

Sharon Florentine

Sharon manages day-to-day content on ChannelE2E and serves as senior managing editor for CyberRisk Alliance’s Channel Brands. She also covers enterprise-class technology companies, strategic alliances and channel partner strategies. Sharon is a veteran tech journalist and editor with more than 25 years experience in the industry, and has previously held key editorial, content and leadership positions at Techstrong Group,, Ziff Davis Enterprise and CRN.