Repeat After Me (Again): VARs, Resellers Need PSA Software


Sometimes you've gotta repeat yourself -- a lot -- for a message to sink in. A case in point: Thousands of VARs still think PSA (professional services automation) software can't benefit their businesses. Sadly, they're mistaken.  Indeed, PSA isn't just for MSPs that thrive on recurring revenue business models. PSA can certainly benefit VARs and resellers, too.

Core PSA software typically includes project management, CRM and other capabilities that can:

  • plant seeds for new customer engagements;
  • optimize your staff utilization rates;
  • track existing customer engagements and IT consulting gigs -- even one-time engagements.

The net result? When deployed and used properly, PSA can improve a reseller's overall profitability -- even if top-line revenue growth or recurring revenues aren't priorities for the company. Or as I like to state it: PSA is like an ERP system for any type of IT service provider.

VARs, Resellers Need PSA Software: This Sounds Familiar

Some guy who closely resembles me has been banging the drum for reseller PSA adoption since about 2010. Hmmm... That guy has since moved on -- disappearing into the shadows of the night. Ahem. But I haven't. I'm still on my soap box, telling resellers and VARs that they need PSA software.

The message is starting to sink in. For instance, major Cisco Systems resellers and midmarket IT consulting firms have embraced PSA options like FinancialForce. And companies like ConnectWise are simplifying their branding and messaging to engage all types of technology service providers -- including VARs and resellers. Heck, we even list 20 PSA options -- from Autotask to Workday PSA -- that may potentially benefit MSPs and VARs.

But old myths die hard. And it this case, the myth that PSA is only for MSPs needs to die -- once and for all.

Joe Panettieri

Joe Panettieri is co-founder & editorial director of MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E, the two leading news & analysis sites for managed service providers in the cybersecurity market.