MSP Software Industry: New Pieces Emerge Today

Within the MSP software industry, several major moves and milestones are expected to emerge today. In some ways, the moves represent new pieces in the MSP software puzzle. They'll surface through mergers, acquisitions -- and a surprising partnership. In other ways, the moves represent the natural evolution of a maturing market -- where end-to-end suites typically emerge.

Please check ChannelE2E multiple times today -- starting this morning -- for big-picture perspectives and up-close analysis of these moves, each of which will unfold before our readers' eyes throughout today.

ChannelE2E will update this article multiple times today with links to each story as it unfolds. (Fingers crossed, the news we're expecting will actually surface...)

UPDATES: The breaking news so far includes...

Thanks for your readership.

Joe Panettieri

Joe Panettieri is co-founder & editorial director of MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E, the two leading news & analysis sites for managed service providers in the cybersecurity market.

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