So, you want to be a virtual CIO (vCIO). Join the crowd. TruMethods CEO Gary Pica and CTO Bob Penland concede that the vCIO term has been overused a bit in the MSP market. But what is a true vCIO versus all the pretenders in the market?
Think of it this scenario: Your customer may soon be acquired. Chances are, that customer will speed dial at least two strategic advisors. His or her:
- accountant
- attorney
A vCIO should also be on that speed dial list -- perhaps event atop it. The customer should want to tell the vCIO about the pending deal... trusting the vCIO for strategic advice, guidance and feedback as part of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
Basically, vCIOs are MSP employees who have strategic business conversations with end-customers. They learn every piece of a customer's business -- past performance, current priorities and future goals. And they become go-to advisors to customers during key inflection points.
I've avoided the actual vCIO job description and compensation plan. When time permits I'll ping Pica and Penland for more details.
In the meantime, MSPs either need get serious about vCIO services -- or stop using the term.