N-able CEO John Pagliuca, in this ChannelE2E podcast, describes how MSPs (managed IT service providers) continue to grow despite inflation headwinds and rising interest rates.What are the secrets to MSP success in the current economic environment? And how might various industry consolidation and incubation trends impact MSPs?The latest Pinot with Pag podcast, moderated by ChannelE2E Editor Joe Panettieri, offers details below: The conversation covers...
- 0:00 - Introductions
- 0:50 - The MSP conversation shifts to "inflation."
- 1:15 - Labor scarcity, security, cloud transformation: Inflation is the new ingredient that's top of mind.
- 2:20 - Inflation rates and interest rates: What's the impact of those two battling forces?
- 3:12 - How inflation pressures MSP wages.
- 3:30 - Software, technology and service companies: Rising prices -- and EBITDA pressures.
- 4:36 - Despite today's interest rates, there's still "cheap money" out there compared to historic rates.
- 5:40 - Should MSPs be raising prices right now? Some guidance on pricing, new services and labor strategies.
- 8:04 - N-able's perspectives on software costs and pricing and alignment with MSPs.
- 10:15 - Will rising interest rates pressure MSP valuations?
- 11:10 - The profit and growth math that N-able keeps in mind.
- 12:10 - Profit never goes out of style.
- 13:47 - Today's wine choice: Edict, an Anderson Valley Pinot Noir.
- 14:48 - Top-of-mind thoughts on security and risk mitigation. The proliferation of multi-layered security.
- 16:11 - MSPs are now the primary hacker targets in the SME sector.
- 17:32 - Hardening N-able's own solutions, and introducing more security solutions.
- 18:46 - An improved climate for CISO information sharing across the MSP software sector. Related: See thoughts from N-able's CISO and his industry peers.
- 20:30 - Consolidation in the MSP software market and IT service provider ecosystems: What it all means.
- 22:30 - How "consolidation" is increasing the total addressable market (TAM) for MSPs.
- 23:30 - Will N-able help to incubate software startups in the MSP sector, and where Venture Capital fits in?
- 26:19 - Conclusion.