Glossary of Cyber Security Terms

Essential Vocabulary for Navigating the World of Cyber Security



Often lurking in the shadows of cybersecurity, eavesdropping involves discreetly tuning into private dialogues. It's a clandestine operation that can reveal sensitive information, paving the way for unauthorized network access.

Echo Reply

A digital acknowledgement echoing through the Internet's vast corridors. It's a response triggered by a machine that has received an echo request via the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).

Echo Request

A proactive ICMP message launched towards a device. Its mission? To determine whether the device is online and to gauge the time it takes for traffic to reach it.

Egress Filtering

The vigilant watchman of outgoing network traffic, egress filtering meticulously monitors and controls outbound data, maintaining the security of your digital boundaries.

Emanations Analysis

A sleuth-like process of acquiring precise data by observing and decoding signals unintentionally emitted by a system. This subtle extraction can reveal valuable information to the keen observer.


A nested doll-style process where one data structure is gently nestled within another, temporarily shielding the first structure from view.


The master of disguise in the cybersecurity realm, encryption transforms plain data (plaintext) into a cryptic format (cipher text). Its prime goal? To obfuscate the original data content, effectively safeguarding it from unauthorized access or misuse.

Ephemeral Port

The temporary, transient character in the world of ports. Typically established on the client side when a client application aims to connect with a server, this port is relinquished once the application terminates. It sports a randomly selected port number that is always north of 1023.


The reigning monarch of LAN technology, Ethernet, as defined in the IEEE 802.3 standard, usually uses coaxial cable or specific types of twisted pair wires. Devices are connected to the cable and compete for access using a CSMA CD protocol.

Extended Access Control Lists (ACLs) - Cisco

A more advanced iteration of Standard ACLs used in Cisco routers. Extended ACLs filter based on parameters like IP addresses (source or destination), Ports (source or destination), protocols, and whether a session has been established.


In the realm of cybersecurity, an exploit is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or a sequence of commands that seizes an opportunity presented by a bug or vulnerability to trigger unintended or unanticipated behavior in computer software, hardware, or electronic systems.


A secured private network that extends access to partners, vendors, suppliers, or an authorized set of customers. It usually provides access to a subset of information from an organization's intranet, forming a controlled information bridge.

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)

A branch of public key cryptography built on the fascinating mathematics of elliptic curves. ECC provides robust security with less data, compared to traditional methods such as RSA, epitomizing efficiency in the cryptography realm.

Endpoint Security

This protective methodology shields the corporate network when accessed via remote devices like laptops or other wireless and mobile devices. It's a security guard for your network's endpoints.

End-to-End Encryption

A sophisticated secure communication method that prevents third-parties from accessing data while it's transferred from one end system or device to another. With end-to-end encryption, data is encrypted at the sender's end and only the recipient can decrypt it.

Email Spoofing

This involves creating email messages with a counterfeit sender address, a technique that is unfortunately straightforward due to the core protocols of email infrastructure.

Escrow Passwords

These are securely stored passwords that are used by emergency personnel when privileged staff are unavailable. Think of them as a safety net for password access.


In cybersecurity terms, an event is any observable occurrence within a system or network. These events can range from everyday operations to unusual activities that may signal a security threat.

Exponential Backoff Algorithm

This intelligent algorithm helps to prevent network devices from continuous timeouts when sending data over busy links. It dynamically adjusts TCP timeout values on the fly, providing a smoother data transmission process.


Exposure is a cybersecurity incident in which sensitive data is unintentionally disclosed to an unauthorized entity. This accidental release can lead to potential security breaches and data misuse.

Extended ACLs (Cisco)

Extended ACLs are a more advanced form of access control lists on Cisco routers. They offer more precise filtering decisions based on parameters such as IP addresses, ports, protocols, and whether a session is established.

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)

EAP is a flexible authentication framework that supports multiple, optional authentication mechanisms for PPP connections. These mechanisms include clear-text passwords, challenge-response methods, and arbitrary dialog sequences.

Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP)

EGP is a routing protocol that disseminates routing information to routers connecting autonomous systems. This protocol ensures a clear and efficient communication pathway between different systems.