Glossary of Cyber Security Terms

Essential Vocabulary for Navigating the World of Cyber Security


False Rejects

Unintentional security mishaps occur when an authentication system fails to recognize a legitimate user. These false rejects can be pesky, hindering access for authorized individuals.

Fast File System (FFS)

Marking a significant leap in Unix file system evolution, FFS offers swifter read write access, a refined disk layout, and harnesses the power of inodes and data blocks. It's like a turbo-charged engine for your Unix file system.

Fast Flux

An intricate defense mechanism deployed by botnets, Fast Flux continuously shuffles DNS records across varying IP addresses. This constant flux creates a moving target, making it difficult for cybersecurity defenses to pinpoint and neutralize the threat.

Fault Line Attacks

Fault line attacks cleverly exploit the no-man's land between system interfaces. By targeting these transitional zones, attackers can slip through the cracks and infiltrate networks.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

The diligent courier of the TCP IP world, FTP facilitates seamless file transfers across networks. Whether it's text or binary files, FTP ensures your data reaches its destination.


A discerning digital gatekeeper, filters decide the fate of network packets - to accept or reject. These tools can be deployed in sniffers to control packet visibility or in firewalls to block undesirable packets.

Filtering Router

A vigilant intermediary between networks, a filtering router selectively controls data packet traffic based on a security policy. Think of it as a gatekeeper, diligently guarding your digital fortress.


This Unix-based protocol serves as a detective, retrieving user information linked to a specific email address. It offers an insight into the world behind the email curtain.


A savvy process that probes a system using unconventional packets, analyzing the system's responses to identify its operating system. It's like a detective meticulously gathering clues to solve a case.


The digital bulwark of a network, a firewall creates a physical or logical separation to impede unauthorized access to resources or data. A formidable guardian against cyber threats.


An assault strategy designed to overwhelm a computer system or data processing entity with a deluge of input, pushing it beyond its processing capacity. It's the digital equivalent of a flash flood.


In the verdant landscape of Active Directory, a forest denotes a group of domains sharing replicated databases. It's a digital ecosystem connected and communicating with each other.

Fork Bomb

A sneaky form of cyber attack that incessantly duplicates processes using the fork() call, potentially draining all available processes on a machine. It's a disruptive assault on a system's resources.

Form-Based Authentication

An authentication technique that leverages webpage forms to prompt users for their username and password. It's a digital handshake, ensuring only authorized users gain access.

Forward Lookup

The process of using an internet domain name as a roadmap to find the corresponding IP address. A forward lookup is a digital GPS guiding you to your destination.

Forward Proxy

The head steward of network communication, forward proxies manage all requests channeled through them, ensuring order and efficiency.

Fragment Offset

A field that whispers to the sender about the relative positioning of a specific fragment amidst other fragments in the original larger packet. It's the invisible guide that keeps your data journey organized.

Fragment Overlap Attack

A cunning variety of TCP IP Fragmentation Attack. It exploits the IP's permission for packet fragmentation, causing a misleading offset in the second fragment which leads to an overwrite of the port number upon packet reassembly.


The digital puzzle maker, fragmentation stores data files in multiple chunks rather than a single, continuous sequence of bits. It's a handy way of efficiently utilizing storage space.


The self-contained data packages transmitted between network points. Frames include necessary protocol control information and addressing details, ensuring your data arrives intact and at the right destination.

Full Duplex

A communication channel that multitasks with ease, carrying data in both directions simultaneously. It's the digital embodiment of 'having your cake and eating it too'.

Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)

A server name that boasts a hostname followed by the complete domain name. It's the digital address that leads straight to your server's front door.


A technique that uses specialized regression testing tools to throw curveball inputs at an application. Its aim? To uncover potential security vulnerabilities lurking within your system.


The digital superhero that steps in when the primary server, system, hardware component, or network stumbles. Failover ensures continuity of operations by automatically switching to a redundant or standby setup.


This unique breed of software is the maestro behind a device's specific hardware. It provides the low-level control, orchestrating every function and operation.

Firewall Policy

A code of conduct for firewalls, this set of rules dictates how incoming and outgoing network traffic is managed. It's a key pillar in maintaining a secure network.


The CSI of cybersecurity, digital forensics involves the meticulous collection, analysis, and preservation of electronic evidence. It's instrumental in investigating and preventing cybercrime.

Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)

A modern-day, digital safeguard that transmutes all data on a hard drive, including the OS, into an indecipherable form. The key to deciphering this data is closely guarded, ensuring robust protection.

FTPS (FTP Secure)

A fortified extension of the FTP, FTPS provides additional armor through the TLS and SSL cryptographic protocols. It's an encrypted courier service for your files.


A cybersecurity failsafe, 'fail-closed' denotes a condition where a system or device ceases all operations, defaulting to a secure state when certain error conditions are met. It's a digital life jacket for your systems.